Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Comeback Win Over West Georgia Rebels highlights Knights Memorial Day Weekend in Carrollton

The Knights replaced their usual jerseys with PT shirts representing the Armed Forces to honor all Veterans this Memorial Day
Weekend. The boys were extremely fired up with the jerseys and the meaning behind them. THANK YOU VETERANS!
The Marietta Knights picked up a pair of thrilling comeback wins in the Memorial Day Weekend tournament at the Carroll County Sports Complex in Carrollton, Georgia. The Knights opened with the same West Georgia Rebels that knocked them out of a tournament a few miles away 2 weeks ago. After shutting out the Rebels in the top of the 1st, the Knights took an early 3-0 lead thanks to a single by Luke Martin and doubles by Gil Hastings and Mason Doyle.

The lead was short-lived as the Rebels blew up for 7 runs in the 2nd. They then retired the next 6 Knights batters and seemed to be in control of the game. Luckily, Jackson Tysinger kept the Rebels within reach with 2 and a third great innings on the mound. Jackson only gave up 1 hit and didn't allow any runs. He also started the Defensive Play of the Game. With the bases loaded, Jackson fielded a hard comebacker at the mound. He threw to Austin Hansell at the plate for 1 out and Austin fired to Presley Field at first to complete the exciting 1-2-3 double play.

Will Nelson did everything but sell programs and popcorn. Will caught 2
innings, pitched 2 shutout innings for the win and hit the walk-off RBI single.
Still, the Rebels led 7-3 going into the bottom of the 4th. The Knights chipped away with 1 run in the 4th when Mason singled and came home on Austin's groundout to cut the lead to 7-4. Will "The Thrill" Nelson took the mound in the 5th and threw another shutout inning to keep it close so the Knights could come roaring back in the bottom of the inning. After Jackson and Will walked, Luke ripped a 2 run single into RF. Luke later came home on a bases loaded walk and the game was tied 7-7. Will tossed another shutout inning that gave the Knights a chance to win it in the bottom of the 6th.

George Krivsky led off the 6th nursing a very sore hamstring. Coach Rob took George aside in the on deck circle and told him to take it easy, not try to be a hero and not to try to leg out a double. George nodded his understanding, stepped into the batter's box and blasted a double to deep LF. Thankfully, George hit the ball so hard he had plenty of time to cruise into 2B. Presley singled to push George over to 3B and Will drove a 3-2 fastball into RF for the game winner. The Thrill was grinning ear to ear as his teammates mobbed him at first after the huge walk off hit.

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